Blogs covering the Inman event i NY

Ongoing in New York this week is the InmanNews event "Real Estate Connect NY 2007". I didn't have the opportunity to go there myself but with the benefits of other bloggers I could be able to (at least) take a sneak peak.

Here are some bloggers covering the event.

The Sellsius blog   (
As always a very active blog and so even at the IN event. For a walk through of the exhibition area, take a look at the video below. Inman_NY_v2_317px.gif









(By the way, I like the name of this company....)

I'm sure Joel will be adding post at an ongoing rate.

The IM event blog   (
A way for attendees to set up a personal blogging account.

3Oceans (
Kevin is adding comments on the different presentations.

TrueGotham (
Sums up the day.

Redfin (
Glen Kelman at Redfin has a great post about the experience to be on the panel head on with Alan Dalton from the Here is a follow up from 3Oceans. Another one at TechCrunch.

Keep up the good work fellow bloggers.


Update 13th January

I missed one blog that has done a great job to cover the Inman Event.

RealTownReport    (   )
Frances Flynn Thorsen has put together a number of posts about her experiences from the Inman Event. Includes a large number of photos.

I also noticed that Inman News picked up the list above.