Realcomm anounces the Digie Award winners

Realcomm.gifEarlier today the winners of the Realcomm "Digie Award" was announced. Jim Young and his team have once again narrowed down the winners in 19 categories. As always an impressive work. Add to that 4 "Digital Impact Awards".

You find the complete list here.


My side of the story
Since most of the winners (fair to say all) are unknown to someone in Sweden I've a hard time to comment on any of them. That  excludes the winner of "Most Innovative Technology - General" category, which is Microsoft windows Vista.

Since most of the winners (fair to say all) are unknown to someone in Sweden I've a hard time to comment on any of them. That  excludes the winner of "Most Innovative Technology - General" category, which is Microsoft windows Vista.

In my point, the most innovative has been the growth of Office 2.0 applications, like ThinkFree and Zoho, showing that the web could be used in a much more powerful way than most people believe. 

Realcomm is the event to visit if you are interested in the impact of IT in the real estate industry. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the show this year (been there three times, for example in 2005). However, some 1 500 other did.

During the last year I have learned about the Inman Connect events (haven't visited any of them) and I my understanding is that the former is more on the commercial part of the industry, and the latter on the residential part.