An IT supplement in a CRE magazine

In Sweden there is no publication focusing on the use of IT in the real estate. However, one of the largest CRE magazines, FastighetsTidningen (owned by The Swedish Property Federation) has at least a IT supplement in one of their yearly issues.

It is named IT & Property and it's 52 pages covers a wide range of topics.
The ones that got my attention were;

The customer satisfaction is rising
A survey, conducted for the paper, among clients of Property Management Suppliers shows three large conclusions:

  • Most clients are satisfied with their suppliers (but wasn’t from the beginning)
  • The area with most complaints is the user interface (especially to make it easy for non-hard core users)
  • The suppliers are moving online (finally... if you ask me...)

Status among the Property Management suppliers
In two articles the status of the 15+ suppliers of Property Management Systems are analyzed, with the highlights of:

  • DinaFastigheter has been around for 2 years and has 250 clients
  • Estatus which in 2006 was founded in 2006 has now a complete web-based system with 10 clients (and has been acquired by SoftOne Fastigheter)
  • Modus which has, since 2003, been developing a brand new system together with MKB (large property owner in Malmö) is still some time from a public release
  • Fast2 is developing SMS service for renting of student housing
  • LEB is working on a complete new code version which will make their system much easier to personalize
  • VITEC has created a much more customer focused organisation
  • 5D-system is focusing on integration using XLM standard
  • PONDUS has released a web version

BIM is moving forward, but it’s a long way
The topic of BIM (Building Information Model) is covered extensively.  Especially the academic research conducted by Rogier Jongeling. You find all his publications here. An additional article here in Byggindustrin (in Swedish).

More about the supplement
It is written by Björn Åslund, a freelance journalist and among other things a blogger about environment topics.

The entire supplement could be downloaded as a PDF version here (5 MB).