Real Estate Blogs

Increasing online presence in the Swedish real estate industry

I've updated my page 'the list' with a few more real estate focused blogs (and Twitter feeds) in Sweden. A few highlights:

Blogs as part of their students programs like Global Trainee and P3. Also find on Twitter@SkanskaSverige and @SkanskaUKplc,

Studentblogs and on Twitter @NCC_AB.

One of the larger brokerage firms in Sweden are using Twitter to display their listings and also a channel forquestions. Their CIO Karin Fribergis blogging about IT in general. Also active on Twitter @karincfriberg.

The brokerage firm that sells most houses in Sweden are quite active online. Mäklarvardag is a blog where four agents write about their work (Pressrelease). The company is also on Twitter, like CEO @Per Johnler, PR Manager @JohanWesterberg and Region Manager Stockholm @PontusTW.

A must have RSS feed that daily displays one extraordinary listing from Hemnet.

FastighetsÄgarna (The Swedish Property Federation)
Have a number of people writing about different topics for the commercial real estate market. Also a Twitter account @Stofast.


But... the Norwegians beat us with...

Petter A Stordalen
The charismatic owner of 
Home Invest and Choice Hotels Scandinavia is blogging and found @petterstordalen

The Norwegian construction company that has a blogging CEO (translated to English) and where the Swedish organisation is found @veidekke_se.


Two new property blogs

Over the last weeks two new property blogs have started in Sweden.

This is an interesting initiative. Newsec is one of the largest real estate valuation and advisory companies (commercial real estate) in the Nordic area. (Full disclosure: I'm partner in Stronghold Invest where Newsec is on the portfolio companies. Read more.)

Their blog (dubbed 'the property blog') will be the first in the Swedish commercial property industry (as far as I'm concerned).


REALgood AB 
This blog is from a system supplier of property management system which has started with a number of posts the first week.


More blogs...
... are found at my list.


ARGUS Software starts blogging

The vast majority of the (and here) blogs are towards the residential public. Therefore, I'm delighted to find out that ARGUS, one of the largest suppliers of financial software to the commercial real estate industry, has started a blog dubbed 'Global Viewpoints'.


ARGUS describes the blog as;

"This blog is produced by ARGUS Software. The blog will cover a range of topics related to the global landscape for real estate investment and development, and blog visitors will have an opportunity to share their opinions on blog topics. The blog also will serve as an educational tool and provides information including industry reports and recently published books related to real estate, as well as a list of global industry events and links to industry media outlets."

They started of in the early November and has so far been able to produce a large number of posts. It will indeed be interesting reading. Especially with this list of writers.


Presentation: What is a blog?

I've been asked by a Swedish commercial real estate consulting firm to make a presentation about blogs next Friday. So why not use the same tactic as Dustin Luther at Rain City Guide and ask the readers for advice

The key area in which I'm looking for example on blogging in the commercial real estate market.

There are tons of activity in the residential area, but how about the commercial sector of the industry. Are you aware of any commercial real estate agent that has a blog, or a property company that uses blogs for communication.

Good examples are appreciated.
Add a comment or drop me an email.

Thanks in advance.


As of today this blog has a new name; The believer (
(Have to admit that the previous name wasn't the catchiest blog name around....)

This because I believe in;
     ... the smart use of Internet
     ... that the real estate industry can be more efficient 
     ... that a process always could be better
     ... doing all things above at the same time!

The focus about this blog will still be the same. In other words, focus on "the smart use of Internet in Real Estate". My ambition is to be an inspiration for businesses in the real estate market on how to use the Internet. Both in Sweden but also elsewhere.

Looking forward having you as a reader.


A backlog of reading

Back from a 2½ weeks of vacation (long? In Sweden there is a five weeks of holiday...) I've to catch up reading the blogs. Here are the post I found most worth reading.

An outsider look on the industry
It's always good reading when someone from 'the outside' takes an interest in our own field, like CNET sending a reporter to the Inman ConnectSF 2006. (Thanks Joel at 'The future of real estate marketing' for having a post on this article making me aware of  it.) The result is an article taking a closer look at the changing world for Realtors.

More on ConnectSF 2006 event in San Francisco
The Sellsius blog has an entry on the topic including a comprehensive list of related entries in the blog sphere. A good summary is also found at the Zillow blog.

The launch of a new home valuation tool
Through the 'Rain City Blog' I found out about a new AVM called HomeInsight. However, the best reading was the comments on the post.

SEO in real estate
At Mike 's Corner you find a great entry on the search engine topic.

Finally, The Carnival of estate
It has continued with three more weeks. The best about those lists are that you probably will find new blogs worth reading.
July 24th   -->  Searchlight Crusade
July 31st   -->  The future of real estate marketing
Aug 7th   --> Property Grunt