Industry Events

Report from Realcomm (or "where are the blogs?")

I have only managed to find three reports from the Realcomm conference in Boston earlier this month.

One from founder Jim Young, where he states it to have been "the best ever".
Then an article from ITworld and one from eWeek.

Are you aware of any blogging about Realcomm 2007?
Trying to get an overview of what went on at Realcomm using blogs has been quite hard... to say a least. Have only found 2 (?) post about it.

A pre-post from one of the speakers, Marc Krejci.
One post from AdvantageWorks.

I assume it will be much easier to follow the upcoming Inman Connect SF 2007 conference. They even has a two day pre-conference for the bloggers. They also have LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter projects running.  Finally, they have a "10 things to do before Connect".

Needless to say, but it seems that the residential part of the industry is way ahead of the commercial part when it comes to being early adopters.


Realcomm anounces the Digie Award winners

Realcomm.gifEarlier today the winners of the Realcomm "Digie Award" was announced. Jim Young and his team have once again narrowed down the winners in 19 categories. As always an impressive work. Add to that 4 "Digital Impact Awards".

You find the complete list here.


My side of the story
Since most of the winners (fair to say all) are unknown to someone in Sweden I've a hard time to comment on any of them. That  excludes the winner of "Most Innovative Technology - General" category, which is Microsoft windows Vista.

Since most of the winners (fair to say all) are unknown to someone in Sweden I've a hard time to comment on any of them. That  excludes the winner of "Most Innovative Technology - General" category, which is Microsoft windows Vista.

In my point, the most innovative has been the growth of Office 2.0 applications, like ThinkFree and Zoho, showing that the web could be used in a much more powerful way than most people believe. 

Realcomm is the event to visit if you are interested in the impact of IT in the real estate industry. Unfortunately, I didn't make it to the show this year (been there three times, for example in 2005). However, some 1 500 other did.

During the last year I have learned about the Inman Connect events (haven't visited any of them) and I my understanding is that the former is more on the commercial part of the industry, and the latter on the residential part.


Property & IT fair in Sweden

Finally, (five years since the last one) today there was a fair in Sweden entirely focused on smart use of IT within the property industry. This Property & IT fair in Stockholm was arranged by the Seminar Design Group.

IT-Dagen_Utstallning_200px.jpg(Actually the name for the day was, in Swedish, "Sänk kostnaderna genom EFFEKTIV INFORMATIONSHANTERING i ditt fastighetsföretag", i.e. "Reduce cost through efficient information management in your property company". That's not a catchy name!)


More pictures are to be found at Flickr.


The day attracted some 150 attendees and 6 (?) exhibitors. I was impressed by the former number (being the first one in five years) but not the latter number.

The overall impression
As one of the exhibitors I had a great day with a number of potential customers and a possibility to meet up with other companies in the business. (There were more suppliers attending then exhibited).

The speakers
The ones to be remembered was Bo Tyrefors, who had a great presentation about the work on a XML standardization done be Fi2 organization, and Niklas Walldan's presentation on the focus on processes within AP Fastigheter (one of the biggest property companies in Sweden). (My humble opinion is that some of the other speakers need to focus on improving their presentation skills.)

The exhibitors
The following companies where present;
Datscha     Online information and analyse solution  (full disclosure)
LEB             Property Management Software
3L                Property Management Software
NSI              Building automation systems and HVAC controls
Zon56        Outsourcing partner
CAD-Q       CAD consulting

Hopefully, this will be an annual fair.
There is a need in the market.
However, maybe not an interest...


Blogs covering the Inman event i NY

Ongoing in New York this week is the InmanNews event "Real Estate Connect NY 2007". I didn't have the opportunity to go there myself but with the benefits of other bloggers I could be able to (at least) take a sneak peak.

Here are some bloggers covering the event.

The Sellsius blog   (
As always a very active blog and so even at the IN event. For a walk through of the exhibition area, take a look at the video below. Inman_NY_v2_317px.gif









(By the way, I like the name of this company....)

I'm sure Joel will be adding post at an ongoing rate.

The IM event blog   (
A way for attendees to set up a personal blogging account.

3Oceans (
Kevin is adding comments on the different presentations.

TrueGotham (
Sums up the day.

Redfin (
Glen Kelman at Redfin has a great post about the experience to be on the panel head on with Alan Dalton from the Here is a follow up from 3Oceans. Another one at TechCrunch.

Keep up the good work fellow bloggers.


Update 13th January

I missed one blog that has done a great job to cover the Inman Event.

RealTownReport    (   )
Frances Flynn Thorsen has put together a number of posts about her experiences from the Inman Event. Includes a large number of photos.

I also noticed that Inman News picked up the list above.

Realcomm - A Swedish perspective

The last week has been extremely busy. First of the Realcomm conference and then meetings and vacation in San Francisco.

A few words on the Realcomm conference.

blog_realcomm_opening_300px.gif1. Being the best place for someone to see what is going on in the area of Real Estate Technology it surprise me how few people that are attending this show. 

2. The overall feeling about this years conference is that it is down to everyday hardwork to gain success. There is no big easy shortcuts.

3. Interesting discussions in the field of electronic Market Exchanges. However, it's my oponion that that UK is far ahead the US in this fielad.

4. Most interesting boot? I vote for Treesoft ( and their DCF module. I believe this area of solutions need a few more suppliers.

5. The gadget of the week - Verizon's handheld EV6600blog_realcomm_handheld_300px.gif
Now we're talking! Perfect size, QWERTY and much more. Could we have that one with 3G and WiFi in Sweden, please...  ;-)

The question is, will this ever be avaliable on the Swedish market?